A Datablog Is Born

Attention all data heads!

For most of August, I’ve been busily combining the best of Weather Sealed’s investigations with some bonafide design juice to create Data Pointed, which four out of five dentists agree is the best damn data and visualization site on the Internets!

Please do take a gander, and don’t miss His And Hers Colors, the inaugural Data Pointed visualization:

His And Hers Colors

If you’re a fan of Weather Sealed’s information processing hijinks, you’ll definitely want to click over to Data Pointed and subscribe, because going forward, any such new stuff will appear there. And if you fancy the non-data-related articles on Weather Sealed, stay tuned. This blog will continue, but with its original focus: as a more personal place where I occasionally blow out whatever I happen to be thinking about at the time, in story form.

Your support means all the world to me, and I hope that you’ll enjoy Data Pointed!